January 6, 2011
Tanner woke up feeling A-Okay this morning! No neck pain or rash, but still coughing some. I kept her home from school just in case she was contagious, but throughout the day she became more and more animated and seemed like her normal feisty self by bedtime. Barring that nasty headache from the IgG transfusion rearing it’s ugly head, I see no reason she won’t be able to go back to school tomorrow and Alice in Wonderland rehearsal. Annie starts on Saturday!
No results yet on the virus panels… that will take another day or so. If she’s positive for either virus, we’ll probably have to go in for a counts check next week and cross our fingers that they haven’t dropped to a dangerous level.
Thanks, as always, for the good wishes and concern. I really does help to know we’re not in this alone.