Clinic Day #35

June 17, 2010

Protected during treatment by Mr. Larry's St. Christpher medal

Tanner’s counts had just come up to 710 today from 650 last week, BUT, Dr. Mixon felt that given how good she feels and how great the rest of her numbers look, and the fact that it is summertime, that we should send her to Vacation Bible School next week – hallelujah!!!

So glad we didn’t have to disappoint her again. She is really excited about going and it will be Jake’s first time to go, so he is excited, too.

She got her dose of Vincristine today through her port and will start steroids tonight. It was a very smooth visit, but I am thoroughly tired anway.

Jake spent the day with Aunt Beth (thank God for Aunt Beth) and had a ball.

Now, just keep your fingers crossed she doesn’t get sick again.


1 thought on “Clinic Day #35

  1. so glad to hear the good news, tanner! i know you will have fun at vbs next week and your friends will be so happy you are there, too! i think about you every day and pray for good things like this to keep coming your way! i am glad you are having a fun summer!! love to you and your family ~ ms. sissie

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