November 18, 2009
What a day! We celebrated extra large thanks to the kindness of so many people. We started by going to clinic in our Bye, Bye DI !!! t-shirts. The nurses and doctors loved it. We busted into the clinic in full celebration mode and it was great to start the celebration among our cancer compatriots. Everyone in clinic congratulated us and it was actually really fun to go today – lots of hugs all around.
Tanner’s counts, as expected, were very low all around. Her neutraphils (big infection fighting white cells) were at 380 (to give you an idea of how low this is, I had some blood work done last week and mine were at 6,000) so her immune system is every bit as compromised as we suspected it might be and we are very glad we’ve kept to ourselves lately. What we were surprised by, however, was her low hemoglobin level at 7.2. This is the lowest that Tanner’s level has been since diagnosis. I told the doctor before we got counts that there was no way she needed a transfusion because her energy level was crazy. With a hemoglobin level of 7.2, she should have gotten a transfusion, but because she hasn’t been showing symptoms, we decided to wait and see if she recovers on her own or if she starts showing fatigue, blueness or shortness of breath.
I didn’t even notice how low her platelet level was until we got home and she had a little place on her head where she scratched herself. It was bleeding just a little and I put some Neosporin on it. Fifteen minutes later, I noticed it was still bleeding and I thought, “Uh oh.” I checked her platelet level and sure enough she had gone from more than 300 last week to only 58 this week. Yikes! A bandaid solved the problem, but it’s a little weird.
It remains to be seen whether her counts have bottomed out or whether they will come down yet some more. We go back in on Wednesday for counts to see if we can celebrate Thanksgiving with John’s family or if we need to stick to ourselves at home.
This afternoon, we had a surprise visit from Tanner’s friend, Lily, and her mom, Larisa. Lily is 8-years-old and, like Tanner, has ALL. They brought a video and a congratulations card; they know what a milestone it is to get to this point.
Tanner and I sat at the kitchen table and read post after post from Friends of Tanner and Tanner Time. She was so happy to hear from you all. In a way, I think it was the first time she began to understand that this day was a big deal.
After some crazy dancing to our new Roger Day CD, we heard Daddy come home. He brought pizza and a cake and we sat around the table eating pizza and laughing about our day. Then, John got a text message that said, “special delivery on the front porch.” OH MY GOSH!!! It was a party in a box! It was a huge box, decorated on the outside with a huge balloon bouquet, a beautiful flower arrangement, cards, party hats and blowers, a party mix CD, and best of all, a piñata!!! It was from two families who have been such rocks for us. These are the girls who just show up when you need them and who are so thoughtful I know I will never be able to repay them.
So, then the party was on! We ate cake and whacked the heck out of the piñata and let them eat candy after just having huge pieces of chocolate cake. It was a day without description. A day that cancer could not take from us. A day we lived without regard to what comes next. The perfect day.
Thank you all so much. You made a little girl and her family very happy today.
Congratulations, Tanner, on getting through DI. It’s great to know that the hardest part of treatment is behind you. You were strong and you battled hard and you showed old cancer who’s boss! I saw Lily this afternoon and she told me about visiting you earlier today. I’m so glad that you had such a perfect day and that you were able to celebrate with you family and friends. I love the new photos your mom has posted. You’re such a beautiful girl. Congratulations again!
Lily’s Grandma Carol
I am so glad that you have reached this milestone. You have been such a trooper throughout the early treatments. I hope that you feel good and continue to do so. Will see you soon.
Yay! Almost everyone in Jackson is cheering! So many friends have
loved you and prayed for all of you! JOY! JOY! I love you all, E.
What a wonderful day! Kind of crazy to think – you never would have had this day had it not been for the cancer. But what a day! Oh, how perspectives change!
Congratulations on your big day! What a great celebration! Hope the fun lasts all through the week and into the holidays and on and on and on as your counts get better and better and better!!
Congratulations Tanner. I am in Panama City, FL working. Just got a chance to check Tanner Time and read the good news. You are putting up a fight so hard that this cancer could never win. You keep battling and I’ll keep praying.
Love You,
Uncle Bris
Hey Tanner,
Way to go girl!!! It was hard but you did it!!!
I am going to send you a Tarheel hat so you can cheer Carolina style for the end of your treatment!!!!
Yeah!!! What great news!!!!
We love you and think about you all the time.
Norma, Rosalino, John, and Anna
WOOFS, MEOWS, NEIGHS, GOBBLES, HONKS, AND ROARS to Tanner. We are most proud of our brave, dear friend and most glad DI is O-V-E-R. We also so enjoyed the photos! Big hug to you! xoxo
Hi Tanner,
Congratulations on finishing up DI! Congrats on getting to eat chocolate cake and candy on the same night, too! Sounds fabulous to me! I hope LTM is a breeze for you. And, I hope we get to see you at Christmas 🙂
Aunt Cheryl
Tanner!! Oh wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! 🙂 🙂 You are such a strong beautiful girl. Did you know that?
I am so proud of you. 😀 God has some pretty incredible plans in store for you life. 🙂 I can’t wait until you come back to dance class! I miss you so so much!
You are so gorgeous, yummmyy your cake looks soo good 🙂 My birthday was on Sunday (nov. 15), and I turned 17! I ate a big chocolate cake for my birthday too! 😉
Are you excited for Thanksgiving? My favorite food to eat is mashed potatoes 🙂 What is yours??
love you! -Morgan
Hi Tanner,
The second graders in my class have been asking how you have been doing. We pulled up your blog and the kids love your new hats. We all think you are very brave and have done GREAT!! They are anxious to meet you at Moore when you come back. You will always be a special star at Moore and will have PLENTY of new and old friends. Have a great Thanksgiving, our family gives a special blessing to yours!
Mrs. Wilkes