August 8, 2009 Since when do kids make $18 from a lemonade stand?!!! I don’t ever remember making more than about two bucks and splitting it with my best friend, Carol.
My friend Ashley had a list of things her kids wanted to do this summer and having a lemonade stand was one of the items that hadn’t been checked off. Since school starts Monday, time was a wastin’ and she invited us to help. The kids made a poster, I made the lemonade, Ashley made sugar cookies and we met yesterday in the median between our houses under the shade of some trees. Then, those girls got to work flagging down cars. Even Jake handed out some cookies. Almost every neighbor that drove by stopped and were generous tippers. They had a ton of fun and when we counted up the kitty, they made $18, split three ways!
Tanner, Jake and I had been to Pinkerton Park earlier that day for a bike ride and a picnic in the shade. It was 91 degrees by the time we got there and I noticed the first signs of the Vincristine creeping in. Tanner got hot quickly and, even though she rode quite a while, the heat eventually got the best of her and I had to send her crying to sit with Jake under the pavilion while I put the bikes back in the car and got our lunch.
The chemo has also started effecting her sense of taste. She handed me a pack of gum she just bought today and said, “It tastes yucky!” Tanner loves gum so I know the chemo changed the way it tastes. And, her medicine “burned” her mouth today, which is also some weird side effect of the Vincristine. That particular chemo has a list of side effects a mile long, and unfortunately, is our mainstay chemo for the next two years.
I got to spend a little one-on-one with Jake today for the first time in a while. I took him to the YMCA pool and we had the best time. Tanner can’t go into a public pool like that so I felt bad taking him and not her, but he needed to spend some time in a pool where he can actually reach the bottom. Tanner and John went for ice cream and to the dollar store to spend her lemonade stand earnings (that 6 bucks was burning a hole in her pocket).
John and I sat on the sofa last night and looked through the fan list for Tanner’s Fcebook page (Friends of Tanner). She has 497 fans and after more than an hour, we finally gave up trying to figure out how all those people know us and went to bed feeling blessed and loved. It boggles my mind that between the facebook fans and those that read the blog directly from, there are probably 800 or more people wishing us well. We feel all those positive thoughts and prayers and thank you all every day for your support. Some day soon, I hope to use all that support to make difference and save some other family from going through this horror.
And, speaking of all that support, thanks to everyone who prayed for our friend Lily. Lily made counts this week and will be starting school next week on the first day… just like everyone else! Amen.